PC Compounds

Our PC compounds are engineered to offer exceptional performance and reliability in various applications. Made from high-grade polycarbonate resin and carefully selected additives, our compounds are formulated to achieve outstanding mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties.

Key Features of Our PC Compounds

Superior Strength and Durability

Our PC compounds boast excellent tensile strength, impact resistance, and toughness, making them ideal for applications requiring durability and reliability.

Outstanding Thermal Stability

With high heat deflection temperatures and excellent dimensional stability, our PC compounds maintain their integrity even under extreme temperature conditions, ensuring long-term performance.

Excellent Optical Clarity

Our compounds offer exceptional optical clarity and transparency, making them suitable for applications where visual appeal is crucial.

Customizable Formulations

We understand that every application has unique requirements. That's why we offer customizable formulations to meet specific performance, color, and processing needs.

Industries We Serve

Our PC compounds find applications across a wide range of industries, including


Interior and exterior components, lighting fixtures, and safety equipment.


Enclosures, housings, switches and components for consumer electronics and electrical devices.


Medical devices, equipment housings, and sterilizable components.


Glazing systems, architectural panels, and structural components.

Consumer Goods

Household appliances, sporting goods, and recreational equipment.
